Friday, November 13, 2009

First Audio Homework

Hey Pulse team:

Here are the details for the homework:

* We have a homework assignment this week, as it says in the syllabus and as I mentioned at the end of class. You'll need to upload the homework to the blog by noon on our next class meeting (Friday, Nov. 20) -- It has to be online by noon *before the start of class*. I'll take off points for late work, and the system posts a time stamp. And there won't be time at the start of class to do uploading -- we'll start class by playing some of your assignments.

* Once again, the assignment is to conduct an interview with an expert on a topic of your choice. Think of it as a podcast interview for a newspaper Web site or an audio extra to go along with a newspaper story online (feel free to use a subject from an article you're working on now for another class, etc). Please start your interview with some sort of short intro, similar to what we did in class today. For instance, you could say something like:

"Hello, I'm _______. Today I'm talking with ____, who studies ____ at the University of Maryland. His latest book explores ____. Thanks for being with us today."

And have some sort of ending, like: "Thanks for talking with us."

This will be an unedited interview -- no less than 2 minutes but no longer than 5 minutes. Don't worry if there's a stumble here or there. Just do one take and do your best.

I'll be mainly grading on whether you find a quiet enough space record, whether you avoid handling noise, whether you hold the microphone at a proper distance to get a clean recording, and whether you have some sort of clear intro and closing -- and of course ask good questions.

Also, you must do the required reading and listening:

Required Reading:
Sound Reporting - "Reporting" pp. 48-72

Required Listening:

* On the Media: Pulling Back the Curtain

I recommend doing the reading before you do the interview.

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions. Don't wait until the last minute to find an interview subject (so you have time to set up an interview time) or to start the uploading process.

Looking forward to hearing your pieces,

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